Wednesday, July 27, 2011

Samson's Prayer

Samson’s Prayer
Feb. 7, 2010
Bloch's Samson at the Treadmill

Remember O Lord, Your greatness
With the strength that I threw my enemies into the abyss
The thousands of foes I flayed
The boundless obstacles to waste I laid
When evil cringed at my mighty hands
In thunderous droves I fought till I was last to stand
Yet with little humility I took it as nothing divine
The virtues You’ve gifted; I boasted as mine
But now as I lay bald and blind
As the whips rack, with these stones I grind
Mine enemies laugh at my demise
With body broken and hands tied; I cannot reprise
Yet I look up to You, as I swallow my tears
Give me mercy, undo my fears
This final prayer I ask of You
To Your ungrateful servant please be true
“O Lord God, remember me, I pray thee…this once”
Give me just a little, avenge me from their arrogance
I forget Lord the thousand hills I ran,
This last barricade is all I ask; let it be the most glorious of my hands,
Lest I die wretched, please reprieve me from my affliction,
Hear these cries, award me my last conviction.

Friday, July 1, 2011

The Great Pretender

The Great Pretender
Jan. 31, 2010
Magritte's A La Rencontre du Plaisir

Charades and masquerades:
Games for my talents of hiding shades.
If feigning happiness is an art,
Then I’m its master at heart.
Watching you walk away with a smile on my face,
No hesitance, no regret doeth trace
Yet every second I’m wallowing in my own disgrace.
Because my love, I’ve always been the liar,
I’m the great Pretender, the best nature did sire.
I’ll never feel lonely; I’ll never miss you, not once,
If you knew how I really felt; like a wretched dunce.
But you’d never know, you’ll never see,
The sacrifices of my craft did to me.
To see you love another and say I’m happy for thee,
With a gleeful demeanor none could the heavens decree.
But when shadows could craft no more guile,
My heart is dead; O it’s the end of my trials.
I’ve won the test, the crown is mine.
Yet I cannot tell if it’s worth it, without the love of thine.